Command of English. Children should learn to command the English language, not just know it, at an early age.


Paul Gladden. Teacher, Head of Department (Grade 7-9) Annie Hultgren. Teacher, Head of Department (Grade 4-6) Matthew Bonsal. Teacher. Dylan Laidlaw. Teacher. Laura Rossi.

Teacher, Head of Subject Science and English 4-6. Ms Laura Smith. IES Ombudsman; Teachers; Admin and Support; Our Story; Careers; Safe and Orderly Environment. Order, structure and safety are necessary prerequisites for learning.

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Teacher - Textile crafts Albert Lauschus . Teacher - Wood and Metal Crafts IES Johanneberg (Gothenburg) IES At IES Enskede we have a team of highly qualified and experienced international teachers from a variety of countries, all working hard to ensure the provision of outstanding learning environments. We are committed to creating and maintaining a school where teachers can teach and students can learn. Teacher, Head of Year 5, Head of Subject SO 4-6, First teacher Year 6. Ms Isabell Appelgren .

Behärska engelska språket. Barn ska lära sig att behärska det engelska språket, inte bara förstå det, i en tidig ålder.

Does a student need extra support? We offer it. Does a student need more of a challenge? We provide it.

Ies johanneberg teachers

Command of English. Children should learn to command the English language, not just know it, at an early age.

Teacher Gail Åström . IES Johanneberg (Gothenburg) IES Järfälla; IES Jönköping; Good teachers are the single largest factor in delivering quality education and helping students to reach their full potential. These are the teachers we select for IES schools. We recruit dedicated teachers in Sweden who understand our promises to families, and want to help fulfil them. Command of English. Children should learn to command the English language, not just know it, at an early age.

We offer it. Does a student need more of a challenge? We provide it.
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Ms Menon. Home Economics Teacher / Head of Year 7. Ms Porter. Teacher, First Teacher, Head of Year 9, Mentor 9D Ms Beryl Low . Teacher, Mentor 7B IES Johanneberg (Gothenburg) IES Järfälla; IES Jönköping; IES Karlstad; Teacher Swedish, Head of Department, Mentor 8D Mr Mattias Maxe .

Welcome to IES Johanneberg! I hope that you enjoy looking around our website and learning about our academic programs, activities, students and staff.
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Command of English. Children should learn to command the English language, not just know it, at an early age.

Head of Department. Mr Dennis Asplund. Teacher. Ms Kristina Berg.

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Command of English. Children should learn to command the English language, not just know it, at an early age.

Command of English. Children should learn to command the English language, not just know it, at an early age. Teacher, First Teacher, Head of Year 9, Mentor 9D Ms Beryl Low . Teacher, Mentor 7B Modern Foreign Languages. IES Johanneberg (Gothenburg) IES Järfälla; IES Jönköping; IES Karlstad; IES Kista; IES Krokslätt (Gothenburg) IES Kungsbacka; L-P. IES Landskrona; IES Liljeholmen; Teacher Swedish, Head of Department, Mentor 8D Mr Mattias Maxe . Teacher, Mentor 9A Ms Foujan Rouzbeh . Teacher, Head of Year 7, Mentor 7D IES Johanneberg (Gothenburg) IES Järfälla; IES Jönköping; IES Karlstad; IES Kista; IES Krokslätt (Gothenburg) IES Kungsbacka; L-P. IES Landskrona; IES … Are you an IES teacher?

Command of English. Children should learn to command the English language, not just know it, at an early age.

Ms Porter. IES Ombudsman; Teachers; Admin and Support; Careers; Safe and Orderly Environment.

IES Johanneberg (Gothenburg) IES Järfälla; IES Jönköping; IES Karlstad; IES Kista; IES Krokslätt (Gothenburg) IES Kungsbacka; L-P. IES Landskrona; Head of Year 7, Teacher Matematik. Nadia Kalantar .